Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Know your Number"

My organization sponsors a wellness program for our health pools and for our internal staff.  Almost 2 years ago, we changed from a pretty not effective generic wellness evaluation tool to the "Know Your Number"/Biosignia evaluation tool.  I didn't realize until last week that this is the same tool that Dr. H uses on The Biggest Loser.

When the program was introduced in 2009, we were encouraged to do the assessment.  At that point, I wasn't in the same place I am now with my health and wellness.  I was eating what I wanted, giving a half-assed effort at the gym, etc.  

I participated in the assessment the first time in November 2010.  I was a little nervous about it then, but after my follow-up last week I feel awesome!


  • For the first time in my adult life, I am no longer "obese".  I have never been so happy to fall into the category of "overweight"!  I lost 21.4 pounds since the last assessment and it really hasn't been that hard!
  • My glucose levels are totally normal and I have a less than 1% chance of developing diabetes within 5 years.
  • My blood pressure and cholesterol levels are normal or optimal for my age
  • I am 80% more healthy than other 31-year-old females related to the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).  I have a 0.0053% chance of developing CHD in the next five years
  • My risks for CHD, stroke, and diabetes can be further reduced by losing weight (duh!)

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