Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thinking about being thankful - my hubs

I have been thinking a lot lately about how thankful I am that the powers that be got Jason and I together.  I am never nearly as vocal with my appreciation as I should be, but believe me - I thank God every single day for my awesome husband.  As this time each year approaches, it makes me realize even more how much I appreciate J.

Dear J,

There are no words to express how much I appreciate you and how thankful I am each day for you.  You have been a rock for me, through every single good and bad situation since we met in 2004.

Remember when we met?  Remember how you had to pretty much fight for your life to get me to keep talking to you after our 1st date?  Can you imagine where we'd be if you hadn't convinced me to keep talking to you, etc.?  

You are so awesome to me.  You are pretty dang patient with all my antics, even when I don't deserve your patience.  You are always willing to help with anything, even when I am stubborn and insist on doing it myself.  

You make me laugh.  Your craziness provides moments of purely awesome belly-laughs and I love it.  I love how you can make me really smile when I am stressed, sad, or worried.  You make dealing with hard and annoying things easier because of your humor.
You listen to my ramblings about this work issue, this or that run.  You listen and then ask questions to understand what I am really feeling/thinking.  You let me blab on and on and sometimes give yourself the short end of the stick because I don't listen nearly as well.

You have been there for me through this entire healthy transformation.  You have encouraged me to do the best I could, even when I wanted to give up.  You have tolerated and supported runs, etc. when it sometimes imposed on our time together because you knew I had a goal.  

Your personality allows me to open up and be me.  You get that sometimes I am a crazy, obsessive-compulsive, maniacal mess.  You get that sometimes I am in the mood to be a little silly and dance to the music in my head.  You never know what you are going to get, and you understand that.  

So, as I sit and think about the things for which I am thankful - I am most thankful for YOU.  I can’t think of anybody else I’d rather spend my life with! You are an awesome guy, a wonderful husband, and I love you.   I’m so thankful to have you in my life and I can’t wait to see what other adventures our life together holds!

1 comment:

  1. So well written, Regan! I love this and know J will love it, too! :)
