Monday, January 31, 2011

McFatty Monday - 3rd week

This is my third McFatty Monday.  Not a ton of change since last week.  On Tuesday, I went to my weekly weigh-in at Weight Watchers and was disappointed by a 1 pound gain.  After really thinking about things, I realized that I can't down myself.  I am working hard, making good choices, and doing the best I can.  Sometimes, the results aren't in the pounds.  With that, I am feeling great and that's all that matters!

Things that happened last week:
  • Brought my lunch the 4 days I was in the office
  • Cooked dinner (Friday) and brunch (Sunday) while my parents were here for a weekend visit (instead of eating out)
  • Completed a 5K with a PR! 
  • Signed up for my very first half marathon (May 14th) this morning - so scared, excited, nervous, happy!


  1. Regan, that's fantastic on the 5k. Im. Doing my first one in march. Aww you're doing your half marathon on my little mans 2nd bday!

  2. You're doing so well!

    & that is AWESOME on the half-marathon! woot!!
